A downloadable game for Windows

Dodge Roll is a fast-paced game where you go room from room killing your worst enemies… geometric shapes. Don’t worry we toned down the horror aspects of these polygonal monstrosities for general audiences, your welcome. Enact divine justice with six unique attacks, activated by the roll of the die. The dodge roll of the die!... It sounded clever at first. 


wasd to move 

spacebar to dodge/ jump over gaps

left mouse button to shoot

To access our game, first, download the zip file, unzip it then open the folder and run the .exe file. The game is lacking some of the polish that we would have liked, but due to time restrictions, we couldn't implement them. Let us know what you think of our game, for many of us this was our first project,  so we're excited to show Dodge Roll to the world.. and of course Mark ;)

Thank you <3

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